Imagine yourself sitting in your pew on a typical Sunday morning, as a homeless looking man walks down the aisle with a large, rugged cross on squeaky wheels foretelling the coming of Christ. What would you be thinking?
Well, this happened one Sunday morning early in my ministry, and I will tell you what I was thinking. As a pastor, I wondered who this man was, and why didn’t the deacons stop him at the door?
If this happened today in your church, how would you respond to him and his message? Do you think your deacons would stop him at the door?
In the last year many of our perspectives about “the end” have changed. I know mine has. I sense the coming of Christ is very near, and I know many Christians are awaiting Christ’s return.
My wife shared an article with me that caused her to think about this. The author asked several penetrating questions that really need to be pondered by each of us:
- Are we focusing more on the antichrist than the return of the King? (1 Thessalonians 1:10)
- Are we more concerned with the mark of the Beast than being marked by Christ’s love and presence? (Isaiah 41:10)
These questions are really asking if we are immersing ourselves in fear rather than hope. You see, if we focus on the spiritual conflict around us instead of the hope of Christ’s return that is assured us in God’s Word, then we are immersing ourselves in fear. (Psalms 34:4)
Yes, the end is near, but the end of what? As a Christian it is the end of life in this broken world, the end of the enemy’s reign, and the end of the effects of sin. As a Christian the end brings the beginning of life in the presence of Almighty God! It is the beginning of life without pandemics, hopelessness, and struggle. It is the beginning of life in perfect unity with God, experiencing perfect love, hope and joy in a new Heavenly home for eternity.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
– From a recent article by Pastor Steve May,
serving with Village Missions in Meadview, Arizona
serving with Village Missions in Meadview, Arizona